Liquid Brow Lift With Botox

Liquid Brow lift Male | Woburn, MA & Dover, NH | Age Less Weigh Less

RELAX & LIFT MY BROWS WITH BOTOX! A Liquid Botox brow lift is a non-surgical alternative to a male brow lift that uses neurotoxin injections. Your eyebrows will appear more lifted and relaxed by relaxing specific muscles in the forehead and around the eyes, creating a more peaceful and youthful appearance. The Botox brow lift […]

Natural Growth Factors Injection

Brows Treatment in male in Dover NH and Woburn MA by Age Less Weigh Less

Natural Growth Factors Injection EYE REJUVENATION NATURALLY! Natural Growth Factors Injection eye rejuvenation, is a cosmetic, non-surgical process for men that tightens the skin around your eyes and face to give you a more youthful appearance. Natural Growth Factors Injection is a safe, natural way to correct problem areas on the male face. What Is […]

Ultherapy Browlift

Brows Treatment in male in Dover NH and Woburn MA by Age Less Weigh Less

LIFT MY BROWS! The Ultherapy brow lift helps to lift the top eyelid using advanced and completely non-invasive ultrasound technology. This restorative technology smoothes forehead wrinkles in males while lifting and tightening sagging skin on the forehead and upper eyelids. How Is The Ultherapy® Brow Lift Different From Other Procedures For Men? Ultherapy® for men […]

Ultherapy Skin Tightening

Neck Treatments for Male in Dover NH and Woburn MA by Age Less WeighLess

TIGHTEN & LIFT NECK SKIN! Men can expect to get natural results for neck tightening with Ultherapy without the need for surgery and downtime. Using ultrasound energy, Ultherapy tightens and lifts the neck skin. The Ultherapy neck tightening procedure takes about 30 minutes to complete and is done in our office. How Is Ultherapy® Different […]

Neck Filler

Neck Treatments for Male in Dover NH and Woburn MA by Age Less WeighLess

DIMINISH MY NECK WRINKLES! Male neck filler instantly minimizes fine lines and wrinkles on the neck by restoring volume loss to the neck and correcting horizontal necklines for a more youthful appearance. What Is Neck Filler For Men? A neck filler can help smooth outline lines and wrinkles on the neck by filling in volume […]

Lip Filler

Lip Fillers For Men's Cheek | Woburn, MA & Dover, NH | Age Less Weigh Less

PLUMPER LIPS? YES, PLEASE! Enhance the volume of the lips or correct volume loss related to the aging process. This procedure can give you fuller and plumper lips. What Are Dermal Fillers? Dermal fillers are injectable solutions that contain hyaluronic acid. Fillers provide a noticeable softening of scars, enhancing lips and replacing volume to the […]

Smile Line Filler

Smile line treatment for Male in Dover NH and Woburn MA by Age Less Weigh Less

SAY CHEESE! SMILE MORE WITH FILLER! Nasal labial folds are a common problem in males that can cause major embarrassment. They occur when the upper lip and lower lip meet at their junction, creating an unsightly crease between them. The most visible part of this fold is called the smile lines or nasolabial fold. Smile […]

Marionette Lines

Nasal Labial Folds Treatment for Male in Dover NH and Woburn MA by Age Less Weigh Less

GET RID OF MARIONETTE LINES WITHOUT SURGERY! Marionette lines appear as thin wrinkles on your lips due to male aging. These lines tend to be more noticeable around the mouth than in other areas such as the forehead because they have less support from surrounding skin tissue. We commonly use fillers to treat marionette lines. […]

Jowl Treatment

Men's Jowl Treatment | Woburn, MA & Dover, NH | Age Less Weigh Less

UPWARD LIFT OF THE JOWLS! Jowl treatment can be done with filler in the male jawline for an upward lift of the jowls. Threads in the jawline will also help with the appearance of jowls. Product selection varies depending on individual patient goals. What Is A Filler Jowl Treatment For Men? When placed in the […]

Jawline Enhancement

Jawline Treatment for male in Dover NH and Woburn MA by Age Less Weigh Less

CHISEL YOUR PROFILE WITH FILLER! Jawline enhancement is completed with dermal filler. For males, who feel their face is too slim or too oval and want to have a more chiseled profile. Placement of fillers at strategic places like the side of the jaw and chin enhances a man’s natural bone structure. Product selection varies […]

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