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Morpheus8 – Fractional Microneedling Treatment for the Skin


The Morpheus8 method for tightening and toning skin has been one of the most advanced. At Ageless-Weighless, we are excited to offer this technology to patients interested in meaningful facial rejuvenation without surgery.

What Is Morpheus8?

Morpheus8 combines microneedling with RF technology to stimulate collagen production through fractional resurfacing. When the deeper layers of the skin are targeted, the building blocks of the skin are naturally reorganized. This procedure causes little or no damage to the dermis and produces consistent results.
Morepheus8 | Woburn, MA & Dover, NH | Age less Weigh Less

How Does Morpheus8 Work?

Morpheus 8 procedure works by skin tightening and toning, rejuvenation, and collagen regeneration. Microneedling creates small punctures and wounds on the skin, which stimulate the skin’s healing process. Combining microneedling with radio-frequency energy makes the tissues detect even more damage, and the heat generated from this triggers rapid collagen production and cell renewal.

What To Expect During Morpheus8?

Treatment begins with local anesthesia or topical anesthesia in the treatment area. Once the area has been prepared, the Morpheus8 device is systematically placed over the entire area, delivering radiofrequency energy through tiny needle-like pins. Using these pins, the radio frequency energy can reach and heat deeper layers of skin and tissue, stimulating the production of new collagen and elastin for tighter, smoother skin. The treatment typically takes an hour or less, depending on the size of the area to be treated.

How Long Does Morpheus8 Take?

Depending on the areas treated, your procedure will last approximately 45 minutes to 1 hour.

Who Can Benefit From Morpheus8 Treatments?

This procedure can be beneficial to individuals who want to enhance the look and feel of their skin without the need for downtime.

When Will I See The Results From My Morpheus8 Treatments?

Some tightening will be evident immediately after treatment. New collagen and elastin formation begins after about 4 weeks, becomes most apparent from 3 to 6 months after treatment, and continues for about a year.

Should I Expect Any Downtime?
Morpheus8 does not require extended downtime or recovery. Patients can resume normal activity the day following treatment. It is possible to experience temporary red or irritated skin for up to one week.


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