In order to help increase the size and girth of the penis, FDA-approved products are injected directly into the shaft and head of the penis in the same way they are used to enhance the cheeks and chins.
Hyaluronic acid (HA) is a natural lubricant produced by the body, which is the main component of most dermal fillers used for penis enlargement. By injecting large volumes of absorbable dermal fillers into the shaft of the penis, it can be increased to an unusual degree in girth.
For these injectable treatments, the number of syringes used can range from one to eight, depending on the degree of increase desired by the patient and the professional opinion of the specialist. After an injectable procedure, you can expect your girth to increase by about 20 percent.
Male enhancement fillers treatments are best for increasing the girth of the patient’s penis. They may also add length, but the results are variable.
Dermal fillers are injected directly into the shaft of the penis to lengthen and enlarge them.
You may be a good candidate for male enhancement if:
You are self-conscious about your current size
You would like to increase the girth or length
You desire to increase sexual pleasure for you & your partner
You prefer a non-surgical solution
You would like natural-looking results
Using dermal fillers allow our male patients to see immediate results, with full results visible in 1-2 weeks.
The penis should maintain its larger shape for up to 18 months.