Temples Augmentation
What Are Temple Fillers For Men?
Temple fillers can fill hollow temples and replace the lost volume caused by aging. Using a biodegradable hyaluronic acid (HA) gel, they drive moisture and volume back into the temporal area.
How Do Temple Filler For Males Work?
During the temple filler treatment, we use a thin needle to inject the solution into specific muscles in your face. For a few minutes, you might feel a slight tug or pull, but it’s nothing to worry about! Temple fillers are a very simple procedure that takes less than an hour to complete and leaves no scars.
Are Men Good Candidates For Temple Filler?
Dermal filler injections in the temples are a great choice for men since they help fill in hollow areas in the temples with little to no downtime.
How Long Should It Take To See Results After A Dermal Filler In Men?
Temple filler treatment should show immediate results, although there may be some temporary swelling. Final results for men will be visible after a few days.
How Long Do Temple Fillers Last In Men?
Temple Fillers can last up to 2 years in most men, depending on the type of filler and how the body reacts to the filler.