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Cellulite treatment with the QWO® injectable is the only FDA-approved method for treating adult women with cellulite. QWO® treats the connective tissues that connect the skin to muscle and fat. Cellulite has been an embarrassment and a cause of discomfort for many years. Until recently, no permanent cures were available. With QWO® injectable cellulite treatment, you can eliminate cellulite permanently; women with moderate to severe cellulite in their buttocks and thighs can now get rid of dimpled skin. If you’re fed up with being given promises of a cure and want to do something about your cellulite, QWO® is an excellent choice for you!

QWO® works by targeting the fibrous bands that pull down the skin, causing cellulite. As a result of the collagenases, the QWO® blend breaks down fibrous bands and smoothes the appearance of cellulite.

The treatment reduces cellulite in three ways: it releases fibrous bands gradually forming, redistributes fat cells, and stimulates collagen production. The fibrous bands beneath the skin’s surface are smoothed out during the procedure to give you a more youthful appearance.

Recovery time is quick; no downtime is required after a QWO® treatment. The injection sites may swell and bruise; however, this should not last too long. You may resume your everyday activities as soon as possible.


QWO® is the first FDA-approved injectable to treat moderate to severe cellulite in adults’ buttocks.

Treatments can take as little as 10 minutes. Because there is no general anesthetic, most patients can drive themselves to their sessions.

After your QWO® appointment, we recommend avoiding vigorous exercise. However, you may gradually resume your regular activities.

QWO® is an in-office non-surgical treatment we perform here at Age-Less, Weigh-Less, that takes about 10 minutes to complete. Although there may be some slight bruising, there is no recovery or downtime.
In about a week or two, most people notice a cellulite reduction; however, the cellulite reduction will continue for up to ten weeks.
Treatment results after QWO® should last at least a year.


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